Maya Breanne Flannery
Updated: 2024-11-23
PhD Candidate | Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour | McMaster University
Current research position at the BEATLab | Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
1. Education Link to heading
Doctor of Philosophy (in progress) Link to heading
Dept. of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour, McMaster University, ON, Canada Areas of study: Psychology, music cognition and perception: Development of multi-person physiological measures and analyses of cardiac activity.
Master of Science Link to heading
Dept. of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour, McMaster University, ON, Canada Thesis: From algorithm to cognition: Music acoustic features and their perceptual correlates
Honours Bachelor of Arts Link to heading
Dept. of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour, McMaster University, ON, Canada Major: Music Cognition Minor: Music
2. Research Career Link to heading
Researcher | Brain/body Attention Entrainment & Timing (BEAT) Lab Link to heading
Formal modelling of music preference with respect to personality, mood, familiarity, complexity, and music acoustic features. Development of open-source multi-person cardiac sensors, metrics, and analyses for use in naturalistic environments. Supervised by Dr. Lauren Fink.
Researcher | Digital Music Lab Link to heading
Developed and tested manipulable and objectively measurable music acoustic features for use in music classification and description. Investigated correlation of personality factors and music preference with systematic manipulation of musical stimuli. Supervised by Dr. Matthew Woolhouse.
Research Assistant | Digital Music Lab Link to heading
Examined music listening behaviour with analysis of a large dataset. Investigated memory for musical key; assisted with creation of musical stimuli; conducted experiments with participants; programmed analyses of data. Supervised by Dr. Joanna Spyra and Dr. Matthew Woolhouse.
Research Assistant | Large Interactive Virtual Environment (LIVE) Lab Link to heading
Supported research projects with design, set up, execution, and clean up of experiments. Demonstrated lab technology: Active acoustics, Yamaha Disklavier piano, motion capture, live physiological responses. Led tours for general public, colleges, high schools, day camps. Supported live performances: 10dB Concert series. Supervised by Dr. Laurel Trainor
2.1 Primary Research Skills Link to heading
Experiment Design Link to heading
Experienced with design and implementation of single-participant in-person and online lab studies consisting of listening tasks and self-report and physiological measures (obtaining ethics approval, study promotion, survey/questionnaire design, MIDI and audio music manipulation, UI development).
Experienced with design and implementation of multi-person (40+ participants) live concert studies; involving the continuous collection of self-report and physiological (eye-tracking and cardiac) responses from audience members.
Programming and Data Analysis Link to heading
Languages: Python (pandas, plotly, matplotlib, scikit-learn, optuna, kivy, PsychoPy), R (tidyverse, shiny, rstan), Typescript/JavaScript (JsPsych, node.js).
Analysis techniques: Linear/logistic regression, t-tests, ANOVAs (mixed, repeated measures); natural language processing (NLP); feature selection (PCA), nearest neighbors, decision trees, gradient boosting; Bayesian inference.
Software: Linux/Mac/Windows environments, Git, Docker, LaTeX, Markdown, Bitwig Studio, Logic pro, Reason, MuseScore.
Science Communication Link to heading
Focused on open science principles—producing accessible and easy-to-understand research studies that are well-documented, reproducible, and ethically designed.
Shared research through posters, presentations, and publications in departmental, community, and field-specific academic conferences.
3. Publications Link to heading
Manuscripts in preparation Link to heading
Flannery, M.B., & Fink, L. (In prep). Naturalistic measurement of multi-person cardiac activity using open source smartwatch technology.
Flannery, M.B., Schlichting, J., Saxena, S., & Fink, L. (In prep). Investigating the influence of contextual information on cardiac activity in response to musical performance.
Puplications Link to heading
Flannery, M. B., & Woolhouse, M. H. (2021). Musical preference: Role of personality and music-related acoustic features. Music & Science, 4, 20592043211014014.
Bansal, J., Flannery, M. B., & Woolhouse, M. H. (2021). Influence of personality on music-genre exclusivity. Psychology of Music, 49(5), 1356-1371.
4. Conference Talks & Presentations Link to heading
Conference Presentations Link to heading
Flannery, M. B., & Fink, L. (November, 2024). Naturalistic measurement of multi-person cardiac activity using open source smartwatch technology [Poster]. NeuroMusic 20. Hamilton, ON, Canada.
Flannery, M. B., Schlichting, J., Saxena, S., & Fink, L. (July, 2024). Investigating the influence of contextual information on cardiac activity in response to musical performance [Talk]. Society for Music Perception and Cognition, Banff, AB, Canada.
Saxena, S., Flannery, M. B., Schlichting, J., & Fink, L. (July, 2024). Gaze behavior in online and in-person concert and film viewing: A large-scale naturalistic eye-tracking study [Talk]. Society for Music Perception and Cognition, Banff, AB, Canada.
Schlichting, J., Flannery, M. B., Saxena, S., & Fink, L. (July, 2024). Social justice advocacy through music performance: Do contextual information and social co-presence shape audience reactions and behavior? [Poster]. Society for Music Perception and Cognition, Banff, AB, Canada.
Flannery, M. B., Schlichting, J., Saxena, S., & Fink, L. (April, 2024). Investigating the influence of contextual information on cardiac activity in response to musical performance [Poster]. Graduate Research Day 2024. Hamilton, ON, Canada.
Flannery, M. B., & Fink, L. (October 2023). Automating music stimuli creation and analyses: A music synthesis algorithm for producing ground truth data [Poster]. NeuroMusic 19. Hamilton, ON, Canada.
Flannery, M.B., Fink, L., & Woolhouse, M. H. (August, 2023). Models trained on procedurally generated stimuli predict human judgments of Music Acoustic Features in real-world music. The 17th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition. [Virtual] Tokyo, Japan.
Flannery, M.B., & Woolhouse, M. H. (November, 2022). Music acoustic features: Do machine predictions correspond to human judgments? [Poster]. The 18th Annual McMaster NeuroMusic Conference. Hamilton, Canada.
Flannery, M. B., Anant, S., & Woolhouse, M. H. (November, 2021). A musical snapshot: What does popular music sound like? The 17th Annual McMaster NeuroMusic Conference. [Virtual] Hamilton, Canada.
Flannery, M. B., & Woolhouse, M. H. (July, 2021). Music-related acoustic features predict music preference. The 16th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition. [Virtual] UK/Australia/India/Mexico.
Flannery, M. B., & Woolhouse, M. H. (February, 2021). Why do I like this song? Music acoustic features and beyond. Graduate Research Day, [Virtual] Hamilton, Canada.
Flannery, M. B., & Woolhouse, M. H. (November, 2020). Introducing MAFs: Music acoustic features and their relationship to personality. The 16th Annual McMaster NeuroMusic Conference. [Virtual] Hamilton, Canada.
Guest Lectures Link to heading
Phillips, E., Pazdera, J., & Flannery, M. B. (2022, 2023, 2024). The replication crisis and the open science movement. Presented to PNB 2XT0 - Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour Tutorial. Hamilton, Canada.
Flannery, M. B. (November, 2023). Modelling the music listening experience: How do we measure the listener and the music? PNB Coggie Talk. Hamilton, Canada.
Flannery, M. B. (September, 2023). Open Science Fundamentals. Presented to PNB 3EE3 - Perception Lab. Hamilton, Canada.
Flannery, M. B., & Hashemi, A. (October, 2022). Introduction to the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Presented to PNB 3XE3 - Inferential Statistics and Research Methods. Hamilton, Canada.
Phillips, E., Pazdera, J., & Flannery, M. B. (December, 2021). The open science movement. Presented to PNB 2XT0 - Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour Tutorial. Hamilton, Canada.
Flannery, M. B. (November, 2021). Data formatting and visualization. Presented to PNB 2A03 - Python for Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour. Hamilton, Canada.
Workshops Link to heading
Flannery, M. B., Saxena, S., Schlichting, J., & Fink, L. (November 2024). Cardiac signals. Signals, Sensors, and Sounds Workshop. Hamilton, Canada.
Flannery, M. B. (December, 2023). Considerations for Selecting MIR Tools. McMaster Music Information Retrieval (MIR) Workshop. Hamilton, Canada.
Flannery, M. B. (December, 2023). Predicting Musical Cues. McMaster Music Information Retrieval (MIR) Workshop. Hamilton, Canada.
Flannery, M. B. (April, 2023). Cleaning up messy data with Python and pandas. Data Analysis Support Hub (DASH) Workshop. Hamilton, Canada.
Community Outreach Link to heading
Swierczek, K., Spyra, J., & Flannery, M. B. (2022). A tale of two tones: Musical dissonance in perspective. Science Rendezvous. Hamilton, Canada.
5. Teaching Career Link to heading
Teaching assistantships Link to heading
PNB 2XE3: Descriptive Statistics and Research Methods
09/2022 & 09/2024
PNB 3XE3: Inferential Statistics and Research Methods
09/2023 & 01/2024
PNB 3EE3: Perception Lab
HUMBEHV 3MD3: Research Methods for Applied Psychology in Human Behaviour
PSYCH 2MP3: Introduction to Music Cognition
PNB 2XF3: Perspectives in Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour
PNB 2A03: Python for Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour
PNB 2XD3: Integrative Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour Through Scientific Writing
PSYCH 2B03: Personality Psychology
Mentoring & Supervision Link to heading
Advised experiment design and analyses for undergraduate independent projects and theses:
Thesis: Maladaptive music listening: A systematic review and meta-analysis Thesis: Differential Effects of Active and Passive Bilateral Stimulation [Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing; EMDR] on Distress Levels
Thesis: Semantic analyses of music descriptors: An investigation of music tags and descriptors in a large dataset
Thesis: Music preference and skip-behaviour: The relationship between listening time and confidence in music preference ratings
Thesis: Discrimination of music features: Determining the saliency of music acoustic features
6. Previous Work Experience Link to heading
Consultant | Data Analysis Support Hub (McMaster University) Link to heading
Supported McMaster University students and faculty with statistical analyses in R, Python, and Excel. Developed and led workshops on data on reproducible analyses.
7. Professional Development Link to heading
Certifications Link to heading
Teaching and Learning: Theory and Inquiry and Essential skills and Digital Literacies
Data Science Workshop Series & Certification
Journal Clubs Link to heading
ReproducibiliTea Journal Club Music Cognition and Auditory Perception Journal Club
Committees Link to heading
Graduate Research Day Committee
2SLGBTQIA+ Peer Support Volunteer
8. Grants & Scholarships Link to heading
SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship - Master’s (2021)
Graduate Studies Scholarship (2020)
University Senate Scholarship (2019)
9. References Link to heading
Please contact me to request references.